EU on english

EU Erasmus+ Project Populism in Modern Europe. A treat to democracy or a part of it?
The aims of the project are to analyze the increase of populism in Europe.
Since after the end of World War 2 populism has been passive as a means of spreading opinions in Europe. This has radically changed since
the 1980s.
We have seen a constant development of populistic groups in our society and today populist has reached a high level of influence
and power in all of Europe. This includes both left and right-wing populism. Today we see actual examples of populism in politics but there is
also a widespread usage of the term when wanting to discriminate against political opponents or creating negative public opinions.
The aim of the project is to analyze the role of populism in a democratic society and create awareness of its positive and negative aspects but
also to enhance knowledge of what populism really is.
In order to do so we want to study the causes and background of populism and create strategies to prepare students to become aware of
democratic values in The European community and the world.
The following points are been studied in the project:
• What is populism and how can we understand it?
• Historic background of populism
• Populism and democracy – the correlation between them
• Populism and effects on the European values and democratic institutions
• Why and how populism is used in the political arena
• Strategies to recognized and create consciously ability to accept or reject populist agendas
• What types of people are most susceptible to populism and how the political groups use it
• The role of schools in the creation and education of democratic citizens
• implementation of democratic values in the educational system.
The overall aim is via these points to make awareness among youngsters of the situation in their local, regional, and European society by
deepening that knowledge when comparing and facing several different political and cultural aspects in everyday life. All in the spirit to
increase the feeling and belonging of European citizenship.
The whole project will be based on today’s leading scientist data, such as Cas Mudde and Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser among others.
We are 5 European high schools in Sweden, Greece, North Macedonia, Italy, and France.
The project will include more than 1200 youngsters and teachers at a secondary level in 5 EU countries, we will work using conferences,
courses, and workshops to study and analyze the main objectives of our project. Politicians and EU representatives will be invíted to articipate. Due to the subject nature, we will invite NGOs and the public, in general, to participate during our meetings.
We planned to have a living and democratic discussion on our websites and eTwinning site, with our development reports and results.
We will show our students and to the public in general, the threat that populism has in modern Europe.
By making this project we hope to create students that are prepared to tackle the threats against democratic values in Europe.